Red star=required /mandatory information.
Our hotel is obliged to register their guests' nationality.
Your position or title (or if a student: whether you are a master student, PhD student or other)
What department you belong to at your university/place of work.
The name of the university/hospital/organization where you work or study.
A phone number where we can reach you also during the symposium.
Your e-mail address.
In-person participation *
Please indicate ALL parts you will participate in.You can tick off several boxes.
Do you need hotel accommodation? *
If you need hotel accomodation for 11th to 12th, please send us a mail at reidun.kristin.kopperud@uib.no
In order to enable us to accommodate as many as possible we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four). So, please indicate if and with whom, you are willing to share your room.
If you don't have any allergies or special requirements, you don't need to write anything here.
Payment *
The own contribution is NOK 1500/150 Eur,-. This rate is heavliy subsidized by c-myc.
Please be as detailed as possible.
The contact information for the person handling the finances for your group in your organization's administration.
Anything else you think we should know?
Do you wish to present a poster? *
We look forward to hosting you on c-myc's 1st Single cell Satellite Seminar!