Before starting the application process, please carefully read the guidelines posted on the BSRS website. After submitting the form below, you will receive a confirmation by email whcih will give you further instructions about how to complete your application. Deadline: 1 February 2025
You will receive 5 ECTS by attending all parts of the compulsory programme, including the submission of the essay prior to the research school. You will receive 10 ECTS if you also submit a paper upon the completion of the course.
Please study the course descriptions posted on the website before you make your choice. You will be allowed to attend one course only. Priority two will be considered in case the course of first priority is cancelled or the scientific committee finds your application more relevant to this course. Please note: in addition to the course you choose above, you will ALSO attend a mandatory workshop on Systems thinking and creative problem-solving, and several keynote lectures.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.