Participant information
Please let us know at which institution and department you are studying/working (e.g., University of Bergen, Department of Informatics).
At what level are you currently? *
Are you affiliated with CEDAS? For example as student/employee with any of the CEDAS research groups. *
Special food requirements
For the snacks served during the event, we would like to know if you have any special food requirements (e.g., dietary needs and food allergies; only if relevant). If you indicate this information in this form, please note that it will be regarded as personal data in the terms of UiB's privacy statement for event registrations. If you do not wish to enter the information in the registration form, but would like us to be aware of your special needs, please contact Guro.Akre@uib.no.
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CEDAS updates
UiB's privacy policy & skjemaker
The organizing committee for the CEDAS Data Science in Practice event is situated at the University of Bergen (UiB) and follows the institution's privacy policy for events. The committee is using a skjemaker-based form to collect the registrants' information.
UiB's privacy policy *
By clicking this box you give us your explicit consent to collect and use your personal data for the purpose of the event.