Please put your most actively used email address.
Affiliation *
Position *
PhD students and Postdoc/researchers will be evaluated in separate categories for the prize awards.
*Medical students including students at the Medical Research Programme (forskerlinjestudenter)
Presentation Form *
Choose accordingly to the presentation form of the original work in the national or international conference.
Please, note that 3-5 minute poster presentations from digital conferences, including video recordings do not qualify for the oral session.
Poster form *
Choose "Not relevant" if you are going to have an oral presentation.
Name of the conference/congress where the poster/oral presentation has been presented before.
It is a requirement that the presentation was presented in 2024.
E.g. oncology, endocrinology, psychiatry etc.
A short Norwegian summary of your work in 4-5
sentences for the public reading.
If you submit an oral presentation, write "Not relevant" in the text box.
Please attach one file in a doc(x) or pdf format containing the Abstract and Norwegian summary information filled in the sections above.
This field should contain the Abstract Title, Authors' names and affiliations, and the abstract text.
Abstract text should be limited to 300 words. The content of the presentation shouldn't be changed from the original version, i.e. addition or modification of results are not allowed.
Submit the poster or presentation file.
Oral presentations in the same format can be updated at a later point without adding or modifying original results.
Would you categorize your research as: *
If "other", please specify.
If you are going to submit a poster:
Do you already have your poster printed, and can you bring it to the event?
*If "No", we will print it for you *
The organizing committee will arrange the outprinting of the posters. However, we would appreciate it if those who have already had the poster printed would use these at the event.
Both landscape and portrait formats are acceptable.
If submitting an Oral Presentation, please select "not relevant."