1. I thrive at work |
2. I feel that I master my job | |
3. My workload at work is acceptable | |
4. I contribute to a good working environment | |
5. We work well together at the department | |
6. The work is organized in a good and sensible way at the department | |
7. The work is organized in a good and sensible way in my group (faggruppe) | |
8. I get positive challenges and opportunities for development | |
9. I am heard when I need advice, have questions/opinions | |
10. I receive good and sufficient information from the department's management | |
11. My work is not affected by the financial constraints of the department | |
12. I know who my immediate manager is | |
13. I receive good follow-up from my manager | |
14. I receive an annual invitation to employee appraisal interview from my manager | |
15. It is my opinion that the physical working environment is safe | |
16. I have a good balance between work and private life | |