Your Pathway to Collaborative Projects
Your Pathway to Collaborative Projects
03 October 2023
Current Position
Department/Centre/UiB unit
Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Bergen Library
University Museum of Bergen
Centres not related to any faculty (Sars International Centre etc.)
Central adminstration
Will you attend lunch
Will you attend lunch
Yes, I will attend lunch
No thanks
For lunch purposes: Any allergies or dietary restrictions?
What part(s) of the Horizon Europe programme are you interested in?
Pillar I - Excellent science
What part(s) of the Horizon Europe programme are you interested in?
Pillar I - Excellent science
Research infrastructure
Not yet decided! /N/A
Pillar II - Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness
Pillar II - Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness
Cluster 1 - Health
Cluster 2 - Culture, creativity and inclusive society
Cluster 3 - Civil security for society
Cluster 4 - Digital, industry and space
Cluster 5 - Climate, energy and mobility
Cluster 6 - Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture
Not yet decided! /N/A
Pillar III - Innovative Europe
Pillar III - Innovative Europe
European innovation council
European innovation ecosystems
European institute of innovation and technology
Not yet decided! /N/A
Other EU programmes:
Do you have prior experience with EU funding?
Do you have prior experience with EU funding?
If yes, which funding instrument(s)?
The programme will include a panel discussion with UiB researchers. Are there any questions concerning collaborative projects you would like them to shed light on?