BIO Horizon Europe Workshop
BIO Horizon Europe Workshop
Time: Monday, 30 May 2022, 09:00-12:00
Place: Thormøhlens gate 51 (VilVite): Konferanserom AB
Yes, I will attend!
Yes, I will attend!
Description of your research topic in 4 keywords
Which cluster of the Horizon Europe Pillar II program are you interested in?
Which cluster of the Horizon Europe Pillar II program are you interested in?
Cluster 1 - Health
Cluster 2 - Culture, creativity and inclusive society
Cluster 3 - Civil security for society
Cluster 4 - Digital, industry and space
Cluster 5 - Climate, energy and mobility
Cluster 6 - Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture
Not yet decided! /N/A
This workshop will focus on Pillar II. If you would be interested in a follow up workshop for Pillar I or III, please indicate your preference below.
This workshop will focus on Pillar II. If you would be interested in a follow up workshop for Pillar I or III, please indicate your preference below.
Pillar I - Excellent Science - ERC
Pillar I - Excellent Science - MSCA
Pillar III - Innovative Europe