Skjemaet fordeles til denne saksbehandler på instituttet.
Supervisor information
Please add the requested information about all appointed supervisors
Assessment committee proposal
All suggested candidates must be willing to accept the task.
Sex (first opponent)
Please note that there should be one male and one female opponent. Should this not be possible, please submit a note explaining why and listing three tre names that have been asked but were unable to accept.
Mobile number is nescessary for the process of paying the opponents
Sex (second opponent) *
Please note that there should be one male and one female opponent. Should this not be possible, please submit a note explaining why and listing three tre names that have been asked but were unable to accept.
Mobile number is nescessary for the process of paying the opponents
Language for letters to the committee and for the trial lecture/defence
Conflict of interest (Legal capacity): Members of the assessment committee do not have any publications or scientific collaboration during the last five years (legally competent with respect to the Public Administration Act sections 6-10). *
Proposal of committee members should only be made after considering their legal capacity according to the Public Administration Act §§ 6-10. Also note that the committee members should normally not have any scientific collaboration or scientific publications with each other, the supervisors or the candidate during the last five years. Should there be any doubt about their legal capacity, a separate explanation must be submitted below.
Application for a digital element in the PhD defense
A PhD defense at the Faculty of Medicine is normally conducted as a physical event. This means that all parties are physically present at UiB.
If there are weighty reasons for using a digital element in the defense, this must be requested to the Department using this form. See the guidelines here: https://www.uib.no/en/med/65665/regulations-and-guidelines
All members of the evaluation committee must agree to participate in the digital defence if such is approved.
Hybrid defenses can be used when one of the opponents does not travel to Bergen for financial or sustainability reasons. In such cases, the opponent can participate digitally while the rest of the parties are gathered on campus. An example could be a special wish for an opponent from another continent where it would be both expensive and a long journey to bring the opponent to UiB, or that the opponent does not wish to travel for reasons of sustainability.
Fully digital defenses are used in cases where the candidate cannot participate physically, for example for financial reasons, a long journey, or geopolitical reasons. In case of a fully digital defense no parties are physically gathered on campus.
It is applied for:
All members of the evaluation committee have agreed to participate in a digital PhD defense.
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