Application for economic support for an interdisciplinary ocean-related event or project in 2024

Application for economic support for an interdisciplinary ocean-related event or project in 2024

One of the purposes of UiB-Ocean is to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration internally at UiB and with other marine actors in the region. Do you have something you would like to do that fits this purpose?

We expect to be able to support 8-10 interdisciplinary projects up to maximum 50,000 kroner. Applications are to be submitted via this form. There is no deadline and proposals will be processed until the budget is used up.

Since this year’s focus of UiB-Ocean is the ‘North Sea’, applications related to this are especially welcomed. The same applies to applications that promote interdisciplinary grant proposals to, for example, the Research Council of Norway or Horizon Europe.

More information can be found here: